
Podcast 101: Intro to Podcast

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As podcasting continues to gain popularity it is becoming very clear that there is a real need to have simple resources available to help podcasters know how to create a podcast using GarageBand . While there are many ways to record a podcast, many people with Mac products will choose to utilize GarageBand to record their podcasts. Since Garageband is a free program included on all Apple computers it is a very popular option for podcasters looking for a reliable way to record podcasts with minimal investment, simplicity & ease of use.

This video is designed to help podcasters know how to create a podcast using GarageBand and will walk you through how to start a new session, record your podcast, do simple edits & export your files. It is intended to help podcasters like you know the best way to optimize GarageBand for podcasting & avoid some of the most common mistakes & hiccups we help our clients navigate on a regular basis.

For any additional questions not covered by this tutorial or to learn more about our support processes please email the Resonate team at or leave a comment below.


A Podcast is a digital show that is created, delivered, and distributed through an online directory. Podcast are usually broken up into individual episodes or are apart of a group of episodes that make up a series. Podcasters use directory sites such as Apple, Spotify, Google Play for distributing shows and making them available for listeners.


Unlike radio, listeners don’t have to ‘tune in’ to your station at a certain time on a certain station. Instead, they have access to your podcast on-demand and downloadable by subscribing via an RSS feed.

First, someone has to create a podcast that is uploaded to a hosting site. Your hosting site will provide an RSS feed that will be used to add the show into the podcast directories.

After adding a podcast, the directory will automatically update and any removed or edited podcast will be updated so that your show is up-to-date and always showing the shows you want.


I think most people start a podcast because they have something cool to talk about and they thought would be a good idea to share. Like me, I imagine that most podcasters have been told by someone that they should start a podcast. Some have something that interested them that they want to talk about. Others have information, stories or teachings that they believe will help someone. Or you just want to have great conversations with great people.

If you have something that compels you to make a podcast, then go ahead and do it. There are enough listeners for us all.


10. People like podcasts.

People enjoy listening to a podcast and learning something new, cool or when they can get more information and insight to live life by.

9. Not everyone wants to read

People are busy and they don’t have the time to sit and read a book. People are on the go and whether it be driving in a car to work, commuting on public transportation, working out, cleaning up or cooking. Listening to a podcast is easy and a great way to get through some downtime.

8. It’s easier to produce a blog

People are not the best writers and with blogging, you have to be an English major and spend too much time formatting and

7. Podcast are sticky and have a short learning curve

With so many different ways to make a podcast, you basically just turn on your mic, record device and start talking.

6. Personal brand

Helps to build your personal brand by getting a chance to share your viewpoints, values, and beliefs.

5. Become a welcomed guest

You the opportunity to be apart of someone life and routine. You have the chance to help shape and influence someone’s thoughts about the topics you and your guest cover.

4. Align yourself with successful people and brands

Gives you the chance to talk to cool, controversial or just knowledgeable people about a particular topic

3. Find your authentic voice

You get a chance to speak how you are and about your experiences.

2. Develop your speaking skills

Get a chance to speak and hear yourself. You can refine your message and really start to improve your speaking skills.

You may get a chance to be invited to do in-person.

1. It can be lucrative

You have the chance to make some money, get some free products or get paid for speaking on topics covered in your


whether you are using a phone, computer or recorder, Recording a podcast is accomplished through a what you have is good enough set of equipment. Below is a list of the basic items you will need to make a podcast.

The Basic



Whether you are using USB Mic, a digital Interface, your phone or your built-in microphone, it is important to get everything connected.

Follow the video below for more information on how to record a Podcast.


Download Script Template

Download Garage Band Project

Contact Terell

Written By
Terell Johnson

Terell is the founder of La Create Space, Johnson Partners Group and CTO of UpTop Media. Terell was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles and currently works in Silicon Beach at Facebook as a Video Infrastructure and Collaboration Engineer.